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Preventing Storm Damage: How Proper Tree Care Can Help

Preventing storm damage from happening in the first place is one of the best things you can do for your home. By taking simple steps to improve your tree care, you can help ensure that future storms avoid causing as much damage. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some key steps you can take to protect your home from storm damage and improve your overall insurance rates. By following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to prevention!

How can proper tree care help prevent storm damage?

Proper tree care is essential in preventing storm damage. Healthy, structurally sound, and well-maintained trees are more likely to withstand high winds, heavy rain, and other weather conditions that can cause damage to trees and property. Here are some ways that proper tree care can help prevent storm damage:

  1. Regular inspections by a certified arborist can help identify hazards such as weak limbs, rot, or disease. These problems can be addressed before they become a risk during a storm.
  2. Proper pruning can help maintain tree structure and reduce the risk of limb failure during a storm. Removing dead, weak, or diseased branches can improve the tree’s overall health and make it more resilient to storm damage.
  3. Trees should be planted at an adequate distance from nearby structures to reduce the risk of damage in a storm. A certified arborist can help determine the appropriate space based on the tree’s mature size and the structure’s susceptibility to damage.
  4. Sometimes, a tree may be too close to a structure or pose a high risk of damage during a storm. In these cases, tree removal may be necessary to prevent property damage and ensure safety.
  5. In some cases, installing support systems such as cables and braces can help stabilize weak or damaged trees and reduce the risk of damage during a storm.
  6. Proper watering and fertilization can help maintain tree health, making them more resistant to storm damage.
  7. Trees weakened by insect infestations, or diseases are more susceptible to storm damage. Protecting trees from these problems can improve their health and resilience.
  8. Early detection and treatment of tree problems such as insect infestations or disease can prevent further damage and ensure the tree’s overall health and stability.


Regular tree inspections to identify potential hazards

Regular tree inspections are an important part of maintaining the health and safety of trees on your property. Set a regular schedule for tree inspections, depending on the size and age of the trees on your property. For example, younger trees may only need to be inspected every 3-5 years, while older, larger trees may require more frequent inspections.

During each inspection, look for visible signs of damage or decay, such as cracks, splits, or holes in the trunk or branches. Check for any signs of fungal growth or deadwood, which could indicate that the tree is diseased or dying. Look for signs of pest infestation, such as boreholes or sawdust around the tree’s base, which could indicate the presence of insects or other pests. Check the leaves and bark of the tree for signs of infestation.

Check the tree’s surroundings for potential hazards, including nearby structures, power lines, and other trees. Look for any signs of damage or stress to nearby trees, which could indicate they are at risk of falling and causing damage to your property. If you need clarification on the health or safety of a tree on your property, consult a professional arborist or tree service. They can help identify potential hazards and recommend appropriate action, such as pruning or removal, to ensure the safety of your property.

Tree Removal

Proper pruning techniques to maintain tree structure

Proper pruning techniques are essential to maintaining the health and safety of trees on your property. Use the appropriate tools for the size and type of branch being pruned. Use hand pruners or loppers for smaller branches, while larger branches may require a pruning saw or chainsaw. Look for dead, damaged, or diseased branches, as well as those rubbing against each other or growing at an angle that could lead to limb failure. Also, consider the tree’s natural growth pattern when identifying branches to prune.

Use the right pruning technique depending on the size and location of the branch. For smaller branches, use a three-cut method, which involves making a small notch on the underside of the branch before making the final cut from the top. For larger branches, use a drop cut or back cut technique. Make clean cuts by cutting outside the branch collar, the swollen area where the branch meets the trunk. Avoid leaving stubs, as these can be an entry point for pests and disease.

Prune during the dormant season, typically in late winter or early spring, when the tree is not actively growing. This can help reduce stress on the tree and promote healthy regrowth. Avoid over-pruning, which can weaken the tree and increase the risk of limb failure. Prune only as necessary to maintain tree health and structure.

What should you do if a tree falls on your house?

First, ensure the safety of everyone in the house. Evacuate the building immediately and call emergency services if necessary. After confirming your safety, contact a professional tree service to remove the tree from your house. Do not attempt to remove the tree yourself, as this can be dangerous and cause further damage to your property. Take steps to prevent further damage to your house, such as covering any openings in the roof or walls with tarps or plywood.

Once the tree has been removed, assess the damage to your house. If there is significant damage, contact your insurance company to file a claim and arrange repairs. Take photographs or videos of the damage to your house and any surrounding property. This will help with the insurance claim and may also be useful in legal disputes. If you are still determining the extent of the damage or what repairs are needed, consult a professional contractor or engineer. They can advise on the necessary repairs and ensure they are done properly.

How to keep trees healthy during storms

Keeping trees healthy during storms is important for ensuring their long-term survival and reducing the risk of damage to surrounding property. Here are some ways to keep trees healthy during storms:

  1. Regular pruning of trees helps remove dead or weakened branches and maintain the tree’s overall structure. This reduces the risk of branches falling during storms and causing damage.
  2. Watering and fertilizing trees properly can help to keep them healthy and strong, making them more resistant to storm damage. Ensure that trees are watered deeply and frequently during periods of drought, and use a balanced fertilizer to provide them with the nutrients they need.
  3. Trees may sometimes be weakened or damaged, making them more susceptible to storm damage. Installing supports such as cables or braces can help to stabilize the tree and reduce the risk of damage.
  4. If a tree shows signs of decay, disease, or damage, it may be hazardous and should be removed before a storm. A certified arborist can help determine if a tree is dangerous and needs removal.
  5. During storms, trees are vulnerable to wind and other elements. Consider using windbreaks or other structures to help protect trees from these elements and reduce the risk of damage.
  6. Mulching around the base of trees helps to retain moisture in the soil and prevent damage to the tree’s root system. This can help to keep trees healthy and strong during storms.
  7. Regular monitoring of trees for signs of stress, such as wilting or leaf discoloration, can help to identify problems early and prevent damage during storms.
Tree Removal Professionals


Proper tree care and storm damage prevention are all about keeping trees healthy. If you can plan and take the right steps now to ensure trees remain strong and protected, you’ll be able to prevent storm damage. These simple tips can help keep your trees strong and protect your property against storm damage.

At Meyer Tree Service, they’re here to help you keep your trees healthy and protect your property from storm damage. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and get started on storm damage cleanup services.

tree Service Essex, MA